The browser extension is an important tool to have, but isn’t the only way to use JumpSeat. If you are releasing JumpSeat to a large group of users, it may be more efficient to use another method such as JAMF. An IT security advisor at your organization can help advise if this method is a possibility at your organization. Below are the steps to take to launch JumpSeat via JAMF on Chrome and Safari.
Safari Extension Download:
To run the after installing, use this script:
declare -x UserName=”$(/usr/bin/who | /usr/bin/awk ‘/console/{print $1;exit}’)”
echo “Derived Console username: $UserName”
declare -x LoginWindowPID=”$(/bin/ps -axww | /usr/bin/grep loginwindo[w] | /usr/bin/awk ‘/console/{print $1;exit}’)”
echo “Found PID: $LoginWindowPID”
/bin/launchctl bsexec “${LoginWindowPID:?}” /usr/bin/sudo -u “$UserName” /usr/bin/open /path/to/