

What are widgets? Widgets are movable, customizable, and highly functional JumpSeat data visualizations. You can find them on the application dashboard. Leveraging widgets allows you to edit the dashb...

Custom Role: User/Guide Organization

JumpSeat offers the ability to create custom Roles to tailor permissions for JumpSeat Users or End Users aligned to the Role; or to manage guides that should appear to only end users within a  Role, ...

Default Role: User/Guide Organization

Leveraging the default “App User” role for user and guide organization in JumpSeat requires the least administrative oversight of users and guides.  All guides you create will automatically be as...

How to Login to JumpSeat

Use your email and password to log into yourjumpseat.jumpseat.io.  You will be emailed an invite with a link to log in to the application. Here you can select your password and then begin setting up ...

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