JumpSeat uses roles to determine what a user can and cannot do in both the administration console and the guide creation website overlay. These roles are associated with permissions; if assigned to more than one group, JumpSeat combines the allow access attributes for determining what that user should have access to.
To manage role permissions follow these simple steps:
- Login to JumpSeat to reveal the application landing page, or click the Home button from the main menu
- Select an application to manage by clicking the application name, “View Guides”, or “View Pathways”
- Click the “Roles” menu link from the main navigation on the left hand side
- Select your role by clicking the role card icon
- Click the “Permissions” tab
- Click each slider in the permission list to determine what that role should, or should not have access to.
Each role can be tailored to its needs by managing its permissions. When you click on a role from the role management screen, the last tab labeled “PERMISSIONS” will bring you to the permissions configuration interface. Each permission can be toggled on or off, granting or revoking each specific permission the users within the role.
When users within this role are granted a permission, the switch will be set to on position as shown by the green color. However, when users within this role have that permission revoked, the switch will be set to the off position as shown by the red color. When a user role has been revoked, they will no longer have the permissions of that role. However, all permissions on other roles are still present.
The following permissions can be customized for each role:
View guides – User can see and run through guides
Create guides – Able to create new guides
Edit other people’s – Able to modify and change guides
Delete other people’s – Can move guides to the trash, and empty trash
Create steps – User can add new steps to guides
Edit other people’s – Able to change existing steps
Delete other people’s – Able to remove steps from a guide
View Pathways – Able to see and run through pathways
Create Pathways – Can create new pathways
Edit other people’s – Ability to change existing pathways
Delete other people’s – Can permanently remove pathways
Assign Guides – Allows the ability to link guides with a pathway as well as re-order guides in pathways
View analytics – User has access to view analytics for an application
View roles – User can view all the roles
Edit other people’s – Able to modify existing roles
Delete other people’s – Can permanently remove roles
Assign guides – Can associate guides to roles
Assign pathways – Can associate pathways to roles
Dev tools (pagedata/blacklisting) – The ability to access pagedata and blacklist, or make JumpSeat not appear on certain URLs (Note: For advanced users only)