
How to Add Guides to a Pathway

Adding a Guide to a Pathway In the main pathway screen, click on the view button next to any pathway to enter that pathway’s management page Once on the pathway management page, see that there are two lists: One is a list of all available guides, and the other is a list of guides currently […]

How to Create a Pathway

To create a pathway, follow these easy steps:   Log in to JumpSeat Home to reveal the application landing page or click the Home button from the main menu. Select an application to manage by clicking the “View” button on your desired application. Click the Pathway menu link in the navigation bar on the left […]

Pathway Overview

Pathways are groups of guides that relate to a specific topic or task within an application. JumpSeat pathways direct learners through a range of e-learning activities and enable them to build knowledge progressively in a single area of interest or topic. Developing pathways for learners allows you to help them quickly understand what tasks are […]

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