JumpSeat Administrators may import users into JumpSeat, as one method of manually provisioning new JumpSeat End Users. To import users, a JumpSeat .user file or a completed .csv user template file mus...
How to Export Users into an Editable Template
JumpSeat Home > Users This export tool is good for external user reporting or analysis for use in other data visualization tools. The JumpSeat editable template also supports managing and editing...
How to Export a Blank User Import Template
JumpSeat Home > Users This is a timesaving tool where you can enter the name, email, and hosted application of many users at once for bulk import. Login to JumpSeat to reveal the application landin...
Manual Provisioning
JumpSeat Home > Users Manually creating new JumpSeat End Users offers additional administrative control and management of JumpSeat Users. Only JumpSeat Administrators may create new users; however,...
Auto – provisioning
Once JumpSeat has been installed for a JumpSeat User (either via Browser extension or code snippet in a hosted application), JumpSeat automatically provisions the JumpSeat user in JumpSeat and identif...
How to Edit or Delete Users
It is important to be able to see how many users are actually using JumpSeat, how often, as well as their system access privileges and the applications they have access to in an easy to navigate way. ...
Import/Export JumpSeat Users
JumpSeat’s import/export feature supports the ability to review, edit and manage users externally from JumpSeat, or to add new users in bulk. JumpSeat Administrators may access import and export fun...
Identifying a JumpSeat End User
End users of JumpSeat do not have a dedicated login to the JumpSeat instance (yourinstance.jumpseat.io). End users, or Application users, leverage JumpSeat training content on applications that are ...
Identifying a JumpSeat Administrative User
There are two types of JumpSeat Users: JumpSeat Administrative Users and JumpSeat End Users. JumpSeat identifies and provisions Administrative Users and End Users of JumpSeat in TWO methods:1. By...
JumpSeat User Overview
There are two* types of JumpSeat users: JumpSeat Administrative User: users with a dedicated login to https://yourinstance.jumpseat.io. – JumpSeat Administrators– JumpSeat Application Admi...